So I'm tring to draw more video game stuff, or more "realistic" stuff I guess. And of course they end up being cartoony, except the dragon, its the least cartoony, but its still cartoony. Anyways, I think about all the game art of some videos games I like and all there artwork is either very animeish, or cartoony, or even comic like. Since when did anime and comic styles become realistic? Their just as much of a caricature of real life as Elmer Fudd is. So I say screw realism, I'll just apply what I know to different subject matter.
Of course in the end you're always going to have to cater to the studio's style, but here's a question, does being able to draw things relaistic make you a "better" atrist? I like to think no, but then again I could be making an excuse for me to not draw realistically. But think about it. There's skill in doing a phot realistic painting or draiwng, a hell of alot of skill and dedication, but is it any less skill or dedication needed to draw really great cartoons, or comics? I think thy're just different parts of the same skill, that is drawing. I mean whether or not you're draiwng superman, mickey mouse, or painting the naked modelm you still need to know and understand, anatomy, proportion, perpspective etc. I mean I know that if I sat down and really applied myself, and learned some of the techniques, I could draw a decent realistic drawing, and after time, it would be a very good drawing. But I can't do it as fast as I draw cartoons because I DRAW CARTOONS ALL THE TIME!!! But I could, because I know enough about the basics that I could do it.
So I guess I may just be bitching, I mean if I'm applyong to a job that wants more realistic looking subject matter, and I show them cartoons and say "hey hire me, I didn't show you anything of what you wanted, but I can, just trust me" that would be plain dumb, and stupid of me. But I think what I need to learn is to not criticize myself for not drawing realistic, I love to draw cartoony things, even if its just a little bit of cartooniness. I think when you simplify and exaggerate, it brings more life to things. If you want a realistic image, than take a photo, or hire someone else. I'm a cartoonist damn it!!!!